LED - Make TetrisClock
Do you know TetrisClock? TetrisClock is a WiFi clock made of falling tetris blocks. Runs on an ESP32 with an RGB LED Matrix. <TetrisClock on the RGB LED Matrix by Brian Lough> I'm a big fan of RGB LED matrix and I wrote many posts about RGB LED Matrix in my blog . I like to display the TetrisClock screen using OpenCV on the Raspberry Pi to the RGB LED Matrix. However, the TetrisClock shown in the figure above works on the Arduino family of ESP32 MCUs. I also posted an article implementing TetrisClock on ESP32 at https://iot-for-maker.blogspot.com/2020/04/led-9-rgb-led-matrix-drive-with-esp-32.html . But I wanted to implement this beautiful clock in Raspberry Pi, so I googled hard, but couldn't find any good examples. Eventually, I decided to analyze the code written in C language and implement it in Python and OpenCV. In my blog, which mainly introduces OpenCV, I introduced 2 articles to implement Tetris characters. Creating TetrisClock using OpenCV #1 Creating Tet...