LED - 4. Let's make a face detacting led display - Part 3 (Displaying Eyes on Raspberry Pi)

In a previous post, I used Jetson Nano to recognize a human face in front of the camera. And I also implemented the transfer of facial information to Raspberry Pi using UDP communication.
In this post, I will use the information received from the Jetson Nano to create a program that will reposition the eye images of the LED Matrix to meet each other's eyes.

Make animation using PIL, OpenCV

Some animation technique is required to randomly adjust the position of the pupil. How to make simple animations using PIL and OpenCV is introduced in this post. The result of implementing the animation of moving the pupil from side to side in the post is as follows. Please read that post before proceeding.

Random movement of the eye

First, the area where the eye can be located is set according to the collected face position.

<LED Matrix image                                 Jetson Nano information>

  • The left eye X-axis area becomes (90, 212) corresponding to the original (0 to 640).
  • The right eye X-axis region becomes (330, 448) corresponding to the original (0 to 640).
  • The Y-axis area of ​​both eyes becomes (124, 244) corresponding to the original (0 to 480).

import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import time, os
import threading

images = ('count0.bmp', 'count1.bmp', 'count2.bmp')
count = 0
#frame 0 ~ 9: closed eye
#frame 10 ~ 59: open eye -->create eyeball
FPS = 10
SLEEP = 1.0 / FPS
img1 = cv2.imread(images[0])
img2 = cv2.imread(images[1])
img3 = cv2.imread(images[2])

left_eye = cv2.imread('left.png')
leye_h, leye_w, _ = left_eye.shape
right_eye = cv2.imread('right.png')
reye_h, reye_w, _ = right_eye.shape

def process_masking(base, mask, pos):
    h, w, c = mask.shape
    hb, wb, _ = base.shape
    x = pos[0]
    y = pos[1]
    masking_color = (103, 178, 199) #RGB
    #check mask position
    if(x > wb or y > hb):
        print(' invalid overlay position(%d,%d)'%(x, y))
        return None
    #remove alpha channel    
    if c == 4:
        mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR) 
    #adjust mask
    if(x + w > wb):
        mask = mask[:, 0:wb - x]
        # print(' mask X size adjust[W:%d] -> [W:%d]'%(w, wb - x))
    if(y + h > hb):
        mask = mask[0:hb - y, :]
        # print(' mask Y size adjust[H:%d] -> [H:%d]'%(h, hb - y))

    h, w, c = mask.shape
    img = base.copy()
    bg = img[y:y+h, x:x+w]      #overlay area
        for i in range(0, h):
            for j in range(0, w):
                B = mask[i][j][0]
                G = mask[i][j][1]
                R = mask[i][j][2]
                # if (int(B) + int(G) + int(R)):
                if ((int(B) + int(G) + int(R)) and int(bg[i][j][0]) != masking_color[2]  and int(bg[i][j][1]) != masking_color[1]  and int(bg[i][j][2]) != masking_color[0] ):
                    bg[i][j][0] = B
                    bg[i][j][1] = G
                    bg[i][j][2] = R
        img[y:y+h, x:x+w] = bg
    except IndexError:  #index (i, j) is out of the screen resolution.  (화면 범위를 벗어남.)
        # print(' index Error')
        return None
    return img

def draw_eyeball(lx, ly, rx, ry):   #left eye POS, right eye POS (left, top position)
    img = img2.copy()
    img = process_masking(img, left_eye, (lx, ly))
    if img is None:
    img = process_masking(img, right_eye, (rx, ry))
    if img is None:
    cv2.imshow('eye', img)

def calc_led_pos(jetson_pos):
    LX_pos = int(L_Eye_Rgn[0] +  L_Eye_Rgn[2] * jetson_pos[0] / jetson_Rgn[0]) - int(leye_w / 2)
    LY_pos = int(L_Eye_Rgn[1] +  L_Eye_Rgn[3] * jetson_pos[1] / jetson_Rgn[1]) - int(leye_h / 2)
    RX_pos = int(R_Eye_Rgn[0] +  R_Eye_Rgn[2] * jetson_pos[0] / jetson_Rgn[0]) - int(reye_w / 2)
    RY_pos = int(R_Eye_Rgn[1] +  R_Eye_Rgn[3] * jetson_pos[1] / jetson_Rgn[1]) - int(reye_h / 2)
    return LX_pos, LY_pos, RX_pos, RY_pos

def set_eye(jetson_pos):
    lx, ly, rx, ry = calc_led_pos(jetson_pos)
    draw_eyeball(lx, ly, rx, ry)

L_Eye_Rgn = (90, 124, 122, 120) #x, y, W, H
R_Eye_Rgn = (330, 124, 118, 120) #x, y, W, H
jetson_Rgn = (640, 480) #W, H
g_jetson_pos = [320,240]   #initial position

Thread function for drawing
def draw_eye():
    while True:

def main():
    global g_jetson_pos
    t = threading.Thread(target=draw_eye, name='draw eye')
    t.daemon = True
    while True:
            num_str = input('enter eyeball center position  x, y :' ).split(',')
            if(len(num_str) != 2):
                print('invlid format. Enter like this  30, 50')
            pos = list(map(int, num_str))   #pos of center of face
            if pos[0] < 0 or pos[0] > jetson_Rgn[0]:
                print('invlid range. Enter X value 0 ~ 640')
            if pos[1] < 0 or pos[1] > jetson_Rgn[1]:
                print('invlid range. Enter Y value 0 ~ 480')

            g_jetson_pos = pos

        except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Run the code, then enter the center of eye position( x: 0 ~ 640, y:0 ~ 480).

You will notice that the position of the pupil changes according to the coordinates you entered.

Eye movement applying data received from Jetson Nano

In the above example, the user's input is adjusted to adjust the position of the pupil.
This time, let's use the data sent from Jetson Nano to adjust the position of the pupil and send it to the LED matrix.

The data sent by jetson nano is as follows. The right, left. top, bottom of face, horizontal angle of face in frame, vertical angle of face

Now modify the above code to adjust the position of the pupil using the face position received from Jetson Nano.

import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import time, os
import threading
import socket

images = ('count0.bmp', 'count1.bmp', 'count2.bmp', 'count3.bmp')
count = 0

img1 = cv2.imread(images[0])    #500 X 375 pixel size
img2 = cv2.imread(images[1])
img3 = cv2.imread(images[2])
img4 = cv2.imread(images[3])

left_eye = cv2.imread('left.png')
leye_h, leye_w, _ = left_eye.shape
right_eye = cv2.imread('right.png')
reye_h, reye_w, _ = right_eye.shape

def process_masking(base, mask, pos):
    h, w, c = mask.shape
    hb, wb, _ = base.shape
    x = pos[0]
    y = pos[1]
    masking_color = (103, 178, 199) #RGB
    #check mask position
    if(x > wb or y > hb):
        print(' invalid overlay position(%d,%d)'%(x, y))
        return None
    #remove alpha channel    
    if c == 4:
        mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR) 
    #adjust mask
    if(x + w > wb):
        mask = mask[:, 0:wb - x]
        # print(' mask X size adjust[W:%d] -> [W:%d]'%(w, wb - x))
    if(y + h > hb):
        mask = mask[0:hb - y, :]
        # print(' mask Y size adjust[H:%d] -> [H:%d]'%(h, hb - y))

    h, w, c = mask.shape
    img = base.copy()
    bg = img[y:y+h, x:x+w]      #overlay area
        for i in range(0, h):
            for j in range(0, w):
                B = mask[i][j][0]
                G = mask[i][j][1]
                R = mask[i][j][2]
                # if (int(B) + int(G) + int(R)):
                if ((int(B) + int(G) + int(R)) and int(bg[i][j][0]) != masking_color[2]  and int(bg[i][j][1]) != masking_color[1]  and int(bg[i][j][2]) != masking_color[0] ):
                    bg[i][j][0] = B
                    bg[i][j][1] = G
                    bg[i][j][2] = R
        img[y:y+h, x:x+w] = bg
    except IndexError:  #index (i, j) is out of the screen resolution.  (화면 범위를 벗어남.)
        # print(' index Error')
        return None
    return img

def draw_eyeball(lx, ly, rx, ry):   #left eye POS, right eye POS (left, top position)
    img = img2.copy()
    img = process_masking(img, left_eye, (lx, ly))
    if img is None:
    img = process_masking(img, right_eye, (rx, ry))
    if img is None:
    cv2.imshow('eye', img)

def calc_led_pos(jetson_pos):
    LX_pos = int(L_Eye_Rgn[0] +  L_Eye_Rgn[2] * jetson_pos[0] / jetson_Rgn[0]) - int(leye_w / 2)
    LY_pos = int(L_Eye_Rgn[1] +  L_Eye_Rgn[3] * jetson_pos[1] / jetson_Rgn[1]) - int(leye_h / 2)
    RX_pos = int(R_Eye_Rgn[0] +  R_Eye_Rgn[2] * jetson_pos[0] / jetson_Rgn[0]) - int(reye_w / 2)
    RY_pos = int(R_Eye_Rgn[1] +  R_Eye_Rgn[3] * jetson_pos[1] / jetson_Rgn[1]) - int(reye_h / 2)
    return LX_pos, LY_pos, RX_pos, RY_pos

def set_eye(jetson_pos):
    lx, ly, rx, ry = calc_led_pos(jetson_pos)
    draw_eyeball(lx, ly, rx, ry)

def draw_sleeping():
    for i in range(5):
            cv2.imshow('eye', img1)
            if(g_sleeping == False):

    for i in range(5):
            cv2.imshow('eye', img4)
            if(g_sleeping == False):

L_Eye_Rgn = (90, 124, 122, 120) #x, y, W, H
R_Eye_Rgn = (330, 124, 118, 120) #x, y, W, H
jetson_Rgn = (640, 480) #W, H
g_jetson_pos = [320,240]   #initial position
g_sleeping = False
Thread function for drawing
def draw_eye():
    while True:
        if(g_sleeping == False):

BindIP = ''
RPI_PORT = 9090

def main():
    global g_jetson_pos, g_sleeping
    t = threading.Thread(target=draw_eye, name='draw eye')
    t.daemon = True
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    sock.bind((BindIP, RPI_PORT))
    while True:
            buf, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
            g_sleeping = False
            buf = buf.decode('utf-8')
            data = buf.split(',')
            if(len(data) != 6):
                print('invalid data[%s]'%(buf))
            right = int(data[0])
            left = int(data[1])
            top = int(data[2])
            bottom = int(data[3])
            w_angle = float(data[4])
            h_angle = float(data[5])
            print('From Jetson face[right:%d,left:%d,top:%d,bottom:%d  w_angle:%f h_angle:%f]'%(right,left,top,bottom,w_angle,h_angle))
            g_jetson_pos = [int((right+left)/2), int((top+bottom)/2)]
        except socket.timeout:
            g_sleeping = True

        except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':

From Raspberry Pi

root@raspberrypi:/usr/local/src/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/bindings/python/samples# python3 animate-jetson.py

From Jetson Nano

root@spypiggy-nano:/usr/local/src/jetson-inference/python/examples#python3 detect_face_angle.py

In the figure below, the top monitor is the result of Raspberry Pi and the bottom monitor is the Jetson Nano's.
The position of the animated pupils of the Raspberry Pi monitor changes according to the facial position recognized by the Jetson Nano.

Output results to RGB LED Matrix

Finally, let's output the Raspberry Pi's output to the RGB LED matrix rather than to the screen. The output to the RGB LED matrix is ​​not difficult because we covered earlier. Modify the OpenCV function imshow in the above source code so that the image appears in the RGB LED matrix.

import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import time, os
import threading
import socket
from rgbmatrix import RGBMatrix, RGBMatrixOptions

# Configuration for the matrix
led_horizontal = 2
led_vertical = 2
cols = 64

canvas_w = led_horizontal * cols
canvas_h = led_vertical * rows

options = RGBMatrixOptions()
options.cols = 64
options.rows = 32
options.chain_length = led_horizontal * led_vertical
options.parallel = 1
options.brightness = 80
options.pwm_bits = 11
options.gpio_slowdown = 1.0
options.show_refresh_rate = 1
options.hardware_mapping = 'regular'  # I use Electrodragon HAT
matrix = RGBMatrix(options = options)
double_buffer = matrix.CreateFrameCanvas()

images = ('count0.bmp', 'count1.bmp', 'count2.bmp', 'count3.bmp')
count = 0

img1 = cv2.imread(images[0])    #500 X 375 pixel size
img2 = cv2.imread(images[1])
img3 = cv2.imread(images[2])
img4 = cv2.imread(images[3])

left_eye = cv2.imread('left.png')
leye_h, leye_w, _ = left_eye.shape
right_eye = cv2.imread('right.png')
reye_h, reye_w, _ = right_eye.shape

def process_masking(base, mask, pos):
    h, w, c = mask.shape
    hb, wb, _ = base.shape
    x = pos[0]
    y = pos[1]
    masking_color = (103, 178, 199) #RGB
    #check mask position
    if(x > wb or y > hb):
        print(' invalid overlay position(%d,%d)'%(x, y))
        return None
    #remove alpha channel    
    if c == 4:
        mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR) 
    #adjust mask
    if(x + w > wb):
        mask = mask[:, 0:wb - x]
        # print(' mask X size adjust[W:%d] -> [W:%d]'%(w, wb - x))
    if(y + h > hb):
        mask = mask[0:hb - y, :]
        # print(' mask Y size adjust[H:%d] -> [H:%d]'%(h, hb - y))

    h, w, c = mask.shape
    img = base.copy()
    bg = img[y:y+h, x:x+w]      #overlay area
        for i in range(0, h):
            for j in range(0, w):
                B = mask[i][j][0]
                G = mask[i][j][1]
                R = mask[i][j][2]
                # if (int(B) + int(G) + int(R)):
                if ((int(B) + int(G) + int(R)) and int(bg[i][j][0]) != masking_color[2]  and int(bg[i][j][1]) != masking_color[1]  and int(bg[i][j][2]) != masking_color[0] ):
                    bg[i][j][0] = B
                    bg[i][j][1] = G
                    bg[i][j][2] = R
        img[y:y+h, x:x+w] = bg
    except IndexError:  #index (i, j) is out of the screen resolution.  (화면 범위를 벗어남.)
        # print(' index Error')
        return None
    return img

def draw_eyeball(lx, ly, rx, ry):   #left eye POS, right eye POS (left, top position)
    img = img2.copy()
    img = process_masking(img, left_eye, (lx, ly))
    if img is None:
    img = process_masking(img, right_eye, (rx, ry))
    if img is None:
    # cv2.imshow('eye', img)
    # cv2.waitKey(1)

def calc_led_pos(jetson_pos):
    LX_pos = int(L_Eye_Rgn[0] +  L_Eye_Rgn[2] * jetson_pos[0] / jetson_Rgn[0]) - int(leye_w / 2)
    LY_pos = int(L_Eye_Rgn[1] +  L_Eye_Rgn[3] * jetson_pos[1] / jetson_Rgn[1]) - int(leye_h / 2)
    RX_pos = int(R_Eye_Rgn[0] +  R_Eye_Rgn[2] * jetson_pos[0] / jetson_Rgn[0]) - int(reye_w / 2)
    RY_pos = int(R_Eye_Rgn[1] +  R_Eye_Rgn[3] * jetson_pos[1] / jetson_Rgn[1]) - int(reye_h / 2)
    return LX_pos, LY_pos, RX_pos, RY_pos

def set_eye(jetson_pos):
    lx, ly, rx, ry = calc_led_pos(jetson_pos)
    draw_eyeball(lx, ly, rx, ry)

def draw_sleeping():
    for i in range(5):
            # cv2.imshow('eye', img1)
            # cv2.waitKey(1)
            if(g_sleeping == False):

    for i in range(5):
            # cv2.imshow('eye', img4)
            # cv2.waitKey(1)
            if(g_sleeping == False):

L_Eye_Rgn = (90, 124, 122, 120) #x, y, W, H
R_Eye_Rgn = (330, 124, 118, 120) #x, y, W, H
jetson_Rgn = (640, 480) #W, H
g_jetson_pos = [320,240]   #initial position
g_sleeping = False

Thread function for drawing
def draw_eye():
    while True:
        if(g_sleeping == False):

def led_display(img):
    global double_buffer
    im = cv2.resize(img, (canvas_w, canvas_h))
    im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    for x in range (led_vertical):
                i = im[rows * x: rows * (x + 1), 0:canvas_w]
                h, w, c = i.shape
                # print('split image H:%d W:%d'%(h, w))
                if ((led_vertical - x) % 2) == 0:    #-> flip
                    i = cv2.flip(i, 0) #vertical
                    i = cv2.flip(i, 1) #horizontal
                if(x == 0):
                    final = i
                    final = cv2.hconcat([final, i])   #stack horizontally
    im_pil = Image.fromarray(final)
    double_buffer = matrix.SwapOnVSync(double_buffer)

BindIP = ''
RPI_PORT = 9090

def main():
    global g_jetson_pos, g_sleeping
    t = threading.Thread(target=draw_eye, name='draw eye')
    t.daemon = True
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    sock.bind((BindIP, RPI_PORT))
    while True:
            buf, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
            g_sleeping = False
            buf = buf.decode('utf-8')
            data = buf.split(',')
            if(len(data) != 6):
                print('invalid data[%s]'%(buf))
            right = int(data[0])
            left = int(data[1])
            top = int(data[2])
            bottom = int(data[3])
            w_angle = float(data[4])
            h_angle = float(data[5])
            print('From Jetson face[right:%d,left:%d,top:%d,bottom:%d  w_angle:%f h_angle:%f]'%(right,left,top,bottom,w_angle,h_angle))
            g_jetson_pos = [int((right+left)/2), int((top+bottom)/2)]
        except socket.timeout:
            g_sleeping = True

        except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':

From Raspberry Pi

root@raspberrypi:/usr/local/src/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/bindings/python/samples# python3 animate-jetson-final.py

From Jetson Nano

root@spypiggy-nano:/usr/local/src/jetson-inference/python/examples#python3 detect_face_angle.py

In the video below, the RGB LED matrices display the moving eyes instead of the top monitor. Although it is hard to see in the video, the RGB LED matrix uses four 64X32, P3 sizes.

Wrapping up

Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi are my favorite single board computers (SBCs). In this article, I went on a project that used Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi together.
The Jetson Nano uses Edge AI to locate the human face in the camera frame, while the Raspberry Pi uses the face position sent from the Jetson Nano to move the pupil's position in real time and display it in the RGB LED matrix.

For reference, my other blog (https://spyjetson.blogspot.com/) focuses on implementing Edge AI using the Jetson series.

You can download the source codes here(https://github.com/raspberry-pi-maker/IoT)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

LED-12. Displaying HDMI Contents

LED - 5. Raspberry Pi 4 + DietPi Buster + Electrodragon HAT - Part 1

LED-11. Make a very big size 384 X 512 RGB Matrix #6(final)